week 4

More work in my sketch book looking at more comics Burke's law annual printed in England by Jarrold and sons ltd , really like the page layouts the colors used. Had a group meeting with Max and Tom we all decided on character names
Stuart - Agent Steele, spelt in this way because i did not want it to be to literal,and because i wanted my character to have steal arms. Very pleased with my character name. Have a idea from the Die hard movies in the style of clothing my character will wear,a white vest , grey jeans big boots could use my snow boots, maybe wear a long coat, this could be seen as a cape.We decided that by next week we will all come to college with our outfits,go to roose to a abandoned boys village act out and to get into character.Also in our daily meeting i brought up the issue of the original ending of our comic, I said that i wasn't happy with every character being killed, we decided that the side kick will be killed off.

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