week 3

london.. been site seeing mostly a lot of photos,Went on the london eye great urban landscape photos of the city ,will help me with me research. Also went to the National History Museum wanted to find cave paintings but wasn't any there, there was a small mythology exhibition taken photos of Medusa , Cyclops, Atlas. Been thinking about what my character should look like and what he/she should wear. I decided my hero should be myself a average height not very muscly.I chose this to try not to follow comics of today. I love moviessuch as the Bourne collection and the Die Hard quadrilogy, a normal looking hero, a New York cop he was always in the right place at the right time. The simple chose of outfit captured my imagination the simplicity of a white vest and jeans,unshaved, smokes , drinks. Doesn't make you think Hero, but the way the character John Mclane puts everybody first before his own safety and how he will never stop till the villain is stopped.I'm our script editor,and this week I was given the original script,i edited scenes,titles and dialog i also made alternative endings,I was not happy with the orginal ending with all the characters being killed so next week I will bring this up in our daily meetings.

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