week 8

Finished my section of the comic!!
Very happy with my outcome,I used the photographs we taken in the last weeks then edited them on Adobe Photoshop Adobe illustrator and Comic Life where we had our layouts and speech and thought bubbles. The black and white fresh hold and a splash of colour works very well together,I feel a few photos are stronger than others,but I am over all very happy with my outcome.We all had a meeting to show our final sections of the comic, as another main job I was in charge of how the finaol comic looks, I feel that our 3 styles combined, it flows and it doesn't jump, it reads very well,and overall eye pleasing. Having trouble with printing though,to many people using the one printer.
We all created our own front covers for the comic, my comic is called Agent Steele I feel it's simple but its effective.
I also wrote my artist statement, evaluation on Microsoft word office,and more work in my sketch book,its been a busy but pleasing week.

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