week 8

Finished my section of the comic!!
Very happy with my outcome,I used the photographs we taken in the last weeks then edited them on Adobe Photoshop Adobe illustrator and Comic Life where we had our layouts and speech and thought bubbles. The black and white fresh hold and a splash of colour works very well together,I feel a few photos are stronger than others,but I am over all very happy with my outcome.We all had a meeting to show our final sections of the comic, as another main job I was in charge of how the finaol comic looks, I feel that our 3 styles combined, it flows and it doesn't jump, it reads very well,and overall eye pleasing. Having trouble with printing though,to many people using the one printer.
We all created our own front covers for the comic, my comic is called Agent Steele I feel it's simple but its effective.
I also wrote my artist statement, evaluation on Microsoft word office,and more work in my sketch book,its been a busy but pleasing week.

week 7

Monday and Tuesday we were all still in character,we acted out more scenes inside Bridgend college,we asked our graphic tutor Lee Thomas to be the guard in our comic, we made a security style office, looked very good, with the budget we have.also used Huw Conway as our commissioner, very strong photos,we all sat down and decided on what seccions of the comic we were all going to create,I decided on the middle section because I felt my style would suit it better. Then with the layouts tom given us we started on our comic using Comic Life Adobe illustrator Adobe Photoshop.We also wrote out our speech/ thought bubble script. As we all never done this before we found it difficult at first, but we are happy with the final outcome.

week 6

Not long till the end , we spent the week in character dressed up in Bridgend, Roose, Smilog forestry, Bryndu, Pen y Bryn forestry and Margam.We were given plenty of looks dressed up as our characters.we acted out more scenes to use for final comic. I decided against using tin foil as my steal arms, I have decided to Adobe Photoshop the arms in whilst i am created my section of the comic. I feal it will look better. We also asked a member of our class to play the part of our victim,kristie parry spent the afternoon with us in smilog we took many great photos,just can't wait to edit them for the comic now.

week 5

This week we went to Roose boys village, it's a unused holiday site. Perfect to act out our scenes for our final comic, I have decided to wear a long ridding coat skin tight gray jeans, white vest, and a pair of boots, I feel this outfit is best suited to my tough ex cop character.. We also created stencils of our character logos and blood splatters refering to Banksy, we spent two days dressed up and creating our spray work, I am very happy with the outcomes. We also made short videos of fight scenes,they are not strong but it goes well with our research.
we made our own speech and thought bubbles in college, we went to cardiff and walked behind unexpecting members of the public, whilst Tom took the photos, I feel this shows that we are breaking away from a traditional paper comic.