week 4

More work in my sketch book looking at more comics Burke's law annual printed in England by Jarrold and sons ltd , really like the page layouts the colors used. Had a group meeting with Max and Tom we all decided on character names
Stuart - Agent Steele, spelt in this way because i did not want it to be to literal,and because i wanted my character to have steal arms. Very pleased with my character name. Have a idea from the Die hard movies in the style of clothing my character will wear,a white vest , grey jeans big boots could use my snow boots, maybe wear a long coat, this could be seen as a cape.We decided that by next week we will all come to college with our outfits,go to roose to a abandoned boys village act out and to get into character.Also in our daily meeting i brought up the issue of the original ending of our comic, I said that i wasn't happy with every character being killed, we decided that the side kick will be killed off.

week 3

london.. been site seeing mostly a lot of photos,Went on the london eye great urban landscape photos of the city ,will help me with me research. Also went to the National History Museum wanted to find cave paintings but wasn't any there, there was a small mythology exhibition taken photos of Medusa , Cyclops, Atlas. Been thinking about what my character should look like and what he/she should wear. I decided my hero should be myself a average height not very muscly.I chose this to try not to follow comics of today. I love moviessuch as the Bourne collection and the Die Hard quadrilogy, a normal looking hero, a New York cop he was always in the right place at the right time. The simple chose of outfit captured my imagination the simplicity of a white vest and jeans,unshaved, smokes , drinks. Doesn't make you think Hero, but the way the character John Mclane puts everybody first before his own safety and how he will never stop till the villain is stopped.I'm our script editor,and this week I was given the original script,i edited scenes,titles and dialog i also made alternative endings,I was not happy with the orginal ending with all the characters being killed so next week I will bring this up in our daily meetings.

week 2

still a lot of research,looking at illustrators from dc comics marvel. also at artists such as Piotr Dumala,really like the scratchy marks looks like pastel. Also my tutor brought in a wide range of years starting from late 70's to 00's, looked at comics such as Robo Hunter, Judge Dread and Jonny cash. Been thinking about heros and what his powers will be,maybe lazer eyes , elastic,very powerful!! got a few ideas of names for my character, Captain Fantastic, Glory , The Greatness.

Booked a two day break to london for half term to london,Booked tickets for the london eye this will help with my urban landscape refer to Frank miller, also going to the National history museum and if i have time the Tate. Had daily meetings lasting half hour with Max and Tom we all had to draw our own story boards to a short script about a young girl who's been kidnapped by max character, Tom and my self go rescue the girl. Had life drawing for 2 hours friday completed two charcoal and chalk drawings.